About Us
Papillon Canada was established in 1987. We are the national breed club for Papillons and Phalène (drop eared) recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club. Our club is composed of Papillon lovers, breeders, conformation and performance exhibitors. We all cherish this breed as an outstanding personal companion. Members of our club are devoted to the Papillon and Phalène and strive to protect and preserve this breed that we all find so fascinating and enjoyable. We love the breed for its intelligence, versatility and playful attitude all rolled into a beautiful package with lovely erect ears or soft dropped ones. We work to ensure that this breed is protected so that the characteristics that make it so charming are not lost through poor breeding practices.
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Our Board
Our board of volunteers are devoted to the Papillon and Phalène. We strive to protect and preserve the breed that we all find so fascinating and enjoyable. We love the breed for its intelligence, versatility and playful attitude all rolled into a beautiful package with lovely erect ears or soft dropped ones.